IT Security, Network Security & Computer Security for Law Firms
Law firms in Orlando are trusted with highly sensitive client information and confidential data. Dytech Group, a locally owned and operated company serving Orlando for over 40 years, understands the importance of securing your firm’s IT infrastructure to protect your clients and maintain your reputation.
How Secure Is Your Law Firm’s IT Infrastructure?
Law firms are frequent targets of cyber-attacks due to the valuable and sensitive nature of the data they handle. Dytech Group is dedicated to securing your firm’s confidential client information and ensuring compliance with industry regulations. We implement and optimize the right hardware and software, applying rigorous maintenance and monitoring protocols tailored to the unique needs of law firms.
Our team is here to help ensure that your information technology is at its best, that you have no vulnerabilities that a cybercriminal could exploit, and that you remain compliant with legal industry regulations and legislation. We analyze YOUR law firm’s specific requirements and provide the right tools for your defense.
Law Firm Computer & Network Security
Cybercrime poses a significant threat to law firms. Most firms do not have the resources to hire a qualified in-house security team. Dytech Group provides a complete set of security solutions to protect your network and prevent security incidents that could put your firm at risk. Our security services include:
- Security Assessments: We conduct audits of your current security implementation and provide advice on how to improve any detected vulnerabilities before malicious users can exploit them and put your firm at risk.
- Penetration Testing: Each quarter, we simulate cyber attacks to assess your network’s ability to ward off threats and critique the results. These reviews and the remediation of any vulnerabilities discovered are central to our efforts to ensure that your IT environment is secure.
- Network and WIFI Security: While wireless networking can help reduce the cost of maintaining your firm’s network, it also creates greater security risks. A poorly implemented WIFI network can be the perfect medium for hackers to gain access to your corporate network and confidential information. We can help you secure your network.
Our focus is prevention – identifying and resolving potential threats before they can become a problem. We offer a range of security services, including:
- Network Security
- Email Security & Spam Filtering
- Two-Factor Authentication
- Identity Verification & Role-Based Access
- WIFI Security
- Data Encryption & Backup
- Physical Security Integrations
- Firewall Implementation and Monitoring
- Internet Traffic Monitoring
- Antivirus Implementation and Monitoring
What Other IT Support and IT Security Options Does Dytech Group Offer for Law Firms?
- Complete IT Care (Managed IT Services) – Strategically maintaining, securing, and monitoring IT environments for optimal operation and uptime
- Co-Managed IT – Supplementing your in-house IT staff
- Cybersecurity – Protecting your data, in-house assets, and cloud assets through proactive IT security management and incident response
- Cloud Services – Leveraging the best of cloud solutions to provide cost savings and enable mobility and scaling capability
- VOIP – Helping your firm make the most of modern, internet-based communications functionality
- Server Virtualization – Using virtual technologies to enable cost savings along with backup/disaster recovery functionality
- Business Continuity – Working with your firm to establish a strategy that allows you to continue operating despite localized disasters
- Help Desk – Answering questions and troubleshooting IT issues to enable continuous workflow
Trust Dytech Group, with over 40 years of experience serving Orlando, to secure your law firm’s IT infrastructure and protect your clients’ confidential data.
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Get a Free Consultation
Take the time to get in touch with Dytech Group’s Orlando tech support and managed IT services professionals and find out how your company can benefit through better technology implementation and IT support.